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Banquet hall

Some wise people once said that marriage is blessed in heaven. Your Marriage Day - the most solemn and important occasion, which is meticulously prepared by a couple and their parents. If you want to impress your guests with a delicious meal and a beautiful venue for your holiday - the luxury hotel and banquet hall of the restaurant complex «BeSt» will surely satisfy even the fussiest requirements. Located in an excellent location, our three star hotel and restaurant in Dunaivtsi  is so easy for your guests to find and very conveniently placed in the centre of regional infrastructure: 

So, wherever you are coming from or going to, we will be accessible to all!.
Car owners can trust that their vehicles will be safely under constant supervision in the parking lot of the hotel.
Your guests will appreciate the refined atmosphere of our classic banquet hall, as well as the handpainted murals created by a true artist, painter Andrew Chuprin. 

During warmer months, the the celebration can be enjoyed outside on our spacious patio with gazebo and barbecue. Landscaping incorporating a fountain, and other decorative elements around the facility, undeniably complement the elegance and style of the banquet hall; your guests at your feast can relax pleasantly outdoors while enjoying a long, cool drink or a cup of coffee in a cozy gazebo.

Our banquet is ideal for a variety of holiday events with up to 250 guests - weddings, corporate events, private parties, graduation parties, children's parties, receptions and more. We can easily handle any level or format of conference or presentation event. Just ask us!!

Our staff will help you design a suitable menu and recommend how best to meet the guests and how to entertain them. Garnishing of your tables with the tastiest and attractive recipes of dishes from the Ukrainian and European cuisine, meals from the grill and many other interesting international dishes are a feature of our cuisine. This will make your occasion a rich and delicious excursion into the flavours of the world! Experienced chefs will translate all your wishes into reality, and our well-trained staff will make sure that you and your guests feel the best that they possibly can - comfortable and confident, as if they were at home!


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